"U kunt deze hoofd-groep niet verwijderen vanwege aanwezige sub-groepen in deze hoofd-groep !!!", '1' => "U kunt deze sub-groep niet verwijderen vanwege aanwezige producten in deze groep !!!", '1000' => "U heeft geen Groep ingevoerd.", '1001' => "U heeft geen Naam ingevoerd.", '1002' => "U heeft geen Email ingevoerd.", '1003' => "U heeft geen geldig Emailadres ingevoerd.", ); $_mes = $_errors[$id]; return "
  • ".$_mes."

    "; } else { return ""; } } $weekDays = array ( '0' => 'Zondag', '1' => 'Maandag', '2' => 'Dinsdag', '3' => 'Woensdag', '4' => 'Donderdag', '5' => 'Vrijdag', '6' => 'Zaterdag' ); $weekDays_short = array ( '0' => 'Zo.', '1' => 'Ma.', '2' => 'Di.', '3' => 'Wo.', '4' => 'Do.', '5' => 'Vr.', '6' => 'Za.' ); function load_timer_page($loc='', $frm='', $wait=2000) { $out = ""; return $out; } function GetPageHeader($_title=' ', $_info=' ', $_table_width='100%') { $_val = "
    ".$_title." » ".$_info."

    "; return $_val; } function GetBoxHeaderRow($colSpan='1',$classHeader='light_header', $title) { $_val = " ".$title." "; return $_val; } function get_ip() { if (isset($_SERVER) and !empty($_SERVER)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } else { if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) { $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); } else if (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) { $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'); } else { $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); } } return $ip; } function GetExtension($file_type) { switch ($file_type) { case 'image/gif': return "gif"; break; case 'image/jpeg': return "jpg"; break; case 'image/pjpeg': return "jpg"; break; case 'image/png': return "png"; break; default: return ""; } } function get_lines($_val, $_nr=1, $_max_chars=0) { $_text = ""; $_occ = split("
    ", $_val); $_found = count($_occ); if ($_found >= $_nr) { $_i = 0; while ($_i < $_nr) { $_text .= $_occ[$_i]."
    "; $_i++; } } else { $_text = $_occ[0]; } $_len = strlen($_text); if ($_max_chars==0 || $_len <= $_max_chars) { $_return = $_text; } else { $_char = substr($_text, $_max_chars, 1); while ($_char != " " && $_max_chars < $_len) { $_max_chars++; $_char = substr($_text, $_max_chars, 1); } $_return = substr($_text, 0, $_max_chars)." ..."; } return $_return; } function make_comp_text($_val) { $_search = array("\""); $_replace = array("'"); return addslashes(str_replace($_search,$_replace,trim($_val))); } function undo_comp_text($_val) { $_search = array("\r\n"); $_replace = array("
    "); return stripslashes(str_replace($_search,$_replace,trim($_val))); } function make_currency($_val) { return "€ ".number_format($_val,2,",","."); } function retouch($_file) { $_new = ""; if ($fp = @fopen ($_file, "r")) { while (!feof($fp)) { $_line = str_replace("\r\n", "", fgets($fp, 4096)); if (substr($_line, 0, 7)=='Artikel') { $_new .= "
    "; } else { $_pos = strpos($_line, "\t"); if ($_pos === false) { $_new .= $_line; } else { $_sub = substr($_line, 0, $_pos); if (substr_count($_sub, ".")==2) { $_new .= "
    ".substr($_line, $_pos)."
    "; } } } } fclose($fp); } return $_new; } function modifyPicture($pictureSource, $pictureDestination, $resize_to, $resize_what="", $binder=0, $_color='#CCCCCC', $watermarkSource="", $addWatermark=0, $constrain_wh=0) { $gd2=true; // ### Photo manipulation for display ### $border_color=$_color; // Photo background color $table_color=$_color; // Page background color $border_width=0; // Add border around photo - width in px (0=no border) $show_bordershadow=false; // Display shadow around border: true or false $show_binder=$binder; // Display binder: true or false $binder_spacing=8; // Space between binder-rings in px $clip_corner=0; // Clip corner of photo - size in % of width (0=no clipping) $clip_corner_round=false; // Clip corner of photo - rounded or straight: true or false $show_number=false; // Display photo number in thumbnail: true or false $image_resize=true; // Set to true to resize photo for display, use this to show large photos in a smaller size: true or false $image_resizeto=$resize_to; // Size in px for resize (min. 30 pixels) $image_inflate=false; // Allow photo to be enlarged: true or false $copyright=''; // Add copyright notice to photo (only when $image_resize=true) $image_greyscale=false; // Convert color jpg photo to grayscale (only when $image_resize=true) - only for GDLib2+ $image_sepia_depth=80; // Add 'aged' effect to jpg photo only when $image_greyscale=true (0=disabled) - only for GDLib2+ $image_noise_depth=10; // Add random noise to jpg photo to make it look older only when $image_greyscale=true (0=disabled) - only for GDLib2+ $size=@GetImageSize($pictureSource); if ($size[2]==1) { if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) { $im=@imagecreatefromgif($pictureSource); } else { exit; } } if ($size[2]==2) { if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) { $im=@imagecreatefromjpeg($pictureSource); } else { exit; } } if ($size[2]==3) { if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) { $im=@imagecreatefrompng($pictureSource); } else { exit; } } if ($size[2]!=1 && $size[2]!=2 && $size[2]!=3) { exit(); } else { if ($image_resizeto < 30) $image_resizeto = 30; if ($image_resize) { if (!$image_inflate) { if ($image_resizeto>$size[0] && $image_resizeto>$size[1]) $image_resizeto=max($size[0],$size[1]); } } if ($show_binder) $border_offset=3; else $border_offset=2; if ($show_bordershadow) $shadow_offset=4; else $shadow_offset=0; if ($gd2) { if ($constrain_wh==1) { //FIX: Doesn't work correctly. $thumb=imagecreatetruecolor($border_width*$border_offset+$image_resizeto+$shadow_offset,$border_width*$border_offset+$image_resizeto+$shadow_offset); } else { //echo "» ".$size[0]." x ".$size[1]." , resize_to: ".$image_resizeto." , resize_what: ".$resize_what; if ($size[0]>$size[1]) { if ($resize_what=='h') { $_h = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($image_resizeto)+$shadow_offset; $_w = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($size[0]/($size[1]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset; $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($_w,$_h); } else if ($resize_what=='w') { $_h = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($size[1]/($size[0]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset; $_w = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($image_resizeto)+$shadow_offset; $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($_w,$_h); } else { $_h = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($size[1]/($size[0]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset; $_w = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($image_resizeto)+$shadow_offset; $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($_w,$_h); } } else { if ($resize_what=='h') { $_h = $border_width*$border_offset+$shadow_offset+ceil($image_resizeto); $_w = $border_width*$border_offset+$shadow_offset+ceil($size[0]/($size[1]/$image_resizeto)); $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($_w,$_h); } else if ($resize_what=='w') { $_h = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($size[1]/($size[0]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset; $_w = $border_width*$border_offset+$shadow_offset+ceil($image_resizeto); $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($_w,$_h); } else { $_h = $border_width*$border_offset+$shadow_offset+ceil($image_resizeto); $_w = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($size[0]/($size[1]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset; $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($_w,$_h); } } } } else { if ($constrain_wh==1) { //FIX: Doesn't work correctly. $thumb=imagecreatetruecolor($border_width*$border_offset+$image_resizeto+$shadow_offset,$border_width*$border_offset+$image_resizeto+$shadow_offset); } else { if ($size[0]>$size[1]) { $thumb=imagecreate($border_width*$border_offset+$image_resizeto+$shadow_offset,$border_width*2+ceil($size[1]/($size[0]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset); } else { if ($resize_what=='h') { $_h = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($size[0]/($size[1]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset; $_w = $border_width*$border_offset+ceil($size[0]/($size[1]/$_h))+$shadow_offset; $thumb = imagecreate($_w,$_h); } else { $thumb = imagecreate($border_width*$bortider_offset+ceil($size[0]/($size[1]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset,$border_width*2+$image_resizeto+$shadow_offset); } } } } $black = imagecolorallocate($thumb,0,0,0); $white = imagecolorallocate($thumb,255,255,255); $gray = "#BC23AF"; //imagecolorallocate($thumb,192,192,192); $middlegray = "#8E098E"; //imagecolorallocate($thumb,158,158,158); $darkgray = "#60065F"; //imagecolorallocate($thumb,128,128,128); imagefill($thumb,0,0,imagecolorallocate($thumb,hexdec(substr($table_color,1,2)),hexdec(substr($table_color,3,2)),hexdec(substr($table_color,5,2)))); if ($show_binder) $bind_offset=4; else $bind_offset=0; imagefilledrectangle($thumb,$bind_offset,0,imagesx($thumb)-$shadow_offset,imagesy($thumb)-$shadow_offset,imagecolorallocate($thumb,hexdec(substr($border_color,1,2)),hexdec(substr($border_color,3,2)),hexdec(substr($border_color,5,2)))); if ($show_bordershadow) { imagerectangle($thumb,$bind_offset,0,imagesx($thumb)-4,imagesy($thumb)-4,$gray); imageline($thumb,$bind_offset,imagesy($thumb)-3,imagesx($thumb),imagesy($thumb)-3,$darkgray); imageline($thumb,imagesx($thumb)-3,0,imagesx($thumb)-3,imagesy($thumb),$darkgray); imageline($thumb,$bind_offset+2,imagesy($thumb)-2,imagesx($thumb),imagesy($thumb)-2,$middlegray); imageline($thumb,imagesx($thumb)-2,2,imagesx($thumb)-2,imagesy($thumb),$middlegray); imageline($thumb,$bind_offset+2,imagesy($thumb)-1,imagesx($thumb),imagesy($thumb)-1,$gray); imageline($thumb,imagesx($thumb)-1,2,imagesx($thumb)-1,imagesy($thumb),$gray); } if ($clip_corner>0) { $clip_corner=floor(imagesx($im)*($clip_corner/100)); if ($clip_corner_round){ $clip_degrees=90/$clip_corner; // Set centre point for polygon $points_tl=array(0,0); $points_br=array(imagesx($im),imagesy($im)); $points_tr=array(imagesx($im),0); $points_bl=array(0,imagesy($im)); } $bgcolor=imagecolorallocate($im,hexdec(substr($border_color,1,2)),hexdec(substr($border_color,3,2)),hexdec(substr($border_color,5,2))); for ($i=0;$i<$clip_corner;$i++) { if ($clip_corner_round){ $x=$clip_corner*cos(deg2rad($i*$clip_degrees)); $y=$clip_corner*sin(deg2rad($i*$clip_degrees)); array_push($points_tl,$clip_corner-$x); array_push($points_tl,$clip_corner-$y); array_push($points_tr,imagesx($im)-$clip_corner+$x); array_push($points_tr,$clip_corner-$y); array_push($points_br,imagesx($im)-$clip_corner+$x); array_push($points_br,imagesy($im)-$clip_corner+$y); array_push($points_bl,$clip_corner-$x); array_push($points_bl,imagesy($im)-$clip_corner+$y); } else { imageline($im,0,$i,$clip_corner-$i,$i,$bgcolor); imageline($im,imagesx($im)-$clip_corner+$i,imagesy($im)-$i-1,imagesx($im)+$clip_corner-$i,imagesy($im)-$i-1,$bgcolor); imageline($im,imagesx($im)-$clip_corner+$i,$i,imagesx($im)+$clip_corner-$i,$i,$bgcolor); imageline($im,0,imagesy($im)-$i-1,$clip_corner-$i,imagesy($im)-$i-1,$bgcolor); } } if ($clip_corner_round){ // Add the final points to cope with rounding error array_push($points_tl,$clip_corner,0); array_push($points_br,imagesx($im)-$clip_corner,imagesy($im)); array_push($points_tr,imagesx($im)-$clip_corner,0); array_push($points_bl,$clip_corner,imagesy($im)); imagefilledpolygon($im,$points_tl,count($points_tl)/2,$bgcolor); imagefilledpolygon($im,$points_br,count($points_br)/2,$bgcolor); imagefilledpolygon($im,$points_tr,count($points_tr)/2,$bgcolor); imagefilledpolygon($im,$points_bl,count($points_bl)/2,$bgcolor); // Cleanup - remove 1px from outline of image imagerectangle($im,0,0,imagesx($im)-1,imagesy($im)-1,$bgcolor); } } // Image created - modify colors (only for jpg & gd2) if ($image_greyscale && $size[2]==2 && $gd2) { imagetruecolortopalette($im,1,256); for ($c=0;$c<256;$c++) { $col=imagecolorsforindex($im,$c); $new_col=floor($col['red']*0.2125+$col['green']*0.7154+$col['blue']*0.0721); $noise=rand(-$image_noise_depth,$image_noise_depth); if ($image_sepia_depth>0) { $r=$new_col+$image_sepia_depth+$noise; $g=floor($new_col+$image_sepia_depth/1.86+$noise); $b=floor($new_col+$image_sepia_depth/-3.48+$noise); } else { $r=$new_col+$noise; $g=$new_col+$noise; $b=$new_col+$noise; } imagecolorset($im,$c,max(0,min(255,$r)),max(0,min(255,$g)),max(0,min(255,$b))); } } if ($gd2) { if ($constrain_wh==0) { imagecopyresampled($thumb,$im,$border_width*($border_offset-1),$border_width,0,0,imagesx($thumb)-($border_offset*$border_width)-$shadow_offset,imagesy($thumb)-2*$border_width-$shadow_offset,imagesx($im),imagesy($im)); } else { //FIX: Doesn't work correctly. if ($size[0]>$size[1]) $t_thumb=imagecreatetruecolor($border_width*$border_offset+$image_resizeto+$shadow_offset,$border_width*2+ceil($size[1]/($size[0]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset); else $t_thumb=imagecreatetruecolor($border_width*$border_offset+ceil($size[0]/($size[1]/$image_resizeto))+$shadow_offset,$border_width*2+$image_resizeto+$shadow_offset); imagecopyresampled($t_thumb,$im,$border_width*($border_offset-1),$border_width,0,0,imagesx($t_thumb)-($border_offset*$border_width)-$shadow_offset,imagesy($t_thumb)-2*$border_width-$shadow_offset,imagesx($im),imagesy($im)); imagecopymerge($thumb, $t_thumb, '0', '0', '0', '0', imagesx($im), imagesy($im), '60'); } } else { imagecopyresized($thumb,$im,$border_width*($border_offset-1),$border_width,0,0,imagesx($thumb)-($border_offset*$border_width)-$shadow_offset,imagesy($thumb)-2*$border_width-$shadow_offset,imagesx($im),imagesy($im)); } if ($show_number && isset($_REQUEST['number']) && isset($_REQUEST['total'])) { // Sample some pixels to determine text color $colors=array(); for ($i=5;$i<25;$i++) { $indexis=ImageColorAt($thumb,$i,4+ceil($i/5)); $rgbarray=ImageColorsForIndex($thumb,$indexis); array_push($colors,$rgbarray['red'],$rgbarray['green'],$rgbarray['blue']); } if (array_sum($colors)/count($colors)>180) $textcolor=$black; else $textcolor=$white; if ($show_binder) $number_offset=$border_width*2; else $number_offset=$border_width; if ($border_width==0) $number_offset=1; imagestring($thumb,1,$number_offset,2,($_REQUEST['number']+1) . '/' . $_REQUEST['total'],$textcolor); } if ($show_binder) { if ($binder_spacing<4) $binder_spacing=4; $spacing=floor(imagesy($thumb)/$binder_spacing)-2; $offset=floor((imagesy($thumb)-($spacing*$binder_spacing))/2); for ($i=$offset;$i<=$offset+$spacing*$binder_spacing;$i+=$binder_spacing) { imagefilledrectangle($thumb,8,$i-2,10,$i+2,$black); imageline($thumb,11,$i-1,11,$i+1,$darkgray); imageline($thumb,8,$i-2,10,$i-2,$darkgray); imageline($thumb,8,$i+2,10,$i+2,$darkgray); imagefilledrectangle($thumb,0,$i-1,8,$i+1,$gray); imageline($thumb,0,$i,8,$i,$white); imageline($thumb,0,$i-1,0,$i+1,$gray); imagesetpixel($thumb,0,$i,$darkgray); } } if ($image_resize && $copyright!='') { $colors=array(); for ($i=5;$i180) imagestring($thumb,1,0,imagesy($thumb)-10,' '.$copyright,$black); else imagestring($thumb,1,0,imagesy($thumb)-10,' '.$copyright,$white); } $newPicture=$thumb; } if($addWatermark) { $watermarkProperties = getimagesize($watermarkSource); $resizeRatio = $_w/$watermarkProperties[0]; $newWatermarkWidth = $_w; $newWatermarkHeight = ceil($resizeRatio*$watermarkProperties[1]); $watermarkX = 0; $watermarkY = ceil($_h-$newWatermarkHeight); $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($watermarkSource); imagecopyresampled($newPicture, $watermark,$watermarkX,$watermarkY,0,0,$newWatermarkWidth,$newWatermarkHeight, $watermarkProperties[0],$watermarkProperties[1]); imagedestroy($watermark); } touch($pictureDestination); imagejpeg($newPicture, $pictureDestination, 90); imagedestroy($newPicture); } function ShowFoto($url, $max, $shw_txt=true, $art='', $_lnk='', $brd=1, $target='parent') { ClearStatCache(); $not=false; if (file_exists($url)) { $file = fopen($url, 'r'); if ((!$file)) { $not=true; } else { $not=false; } } else { $not=true; } if ($not) { if ($shw_txt) { if ($_lnk=='') { $rtn .= "Geen
    "; } else { $rtn .= " Geen

    "; } } else { $rtn .= " "; } } else { $size = GetImageSize($url); $size[0] = $size[0] + 0; $size[1] = $size[1] + 0; if ($size[0] >= $size[1]) { $set_size_limit = "width ='$max'"; } else { $set_size_limit = "height='$max'"; } if ($_lnk == '') { $rtn = ""; } else { if ($target=='_blank') { $rtn = ""; } else { $rtn = ""; } } } return $rtn; } function printMonth($date_month) { switch ($date_month) { case '1': $month="Jan"; break; case '2': $month="Feb"; break; case '3': $month="Mrt"; break; case '4': $month="Apr"; break; case '5': $month="Mei"; break; case '6': $month="Jun"; break; case '7': $month="Jul"; break; case '8': $month="Aug"; break; case '9': $month="Sep"; break; case '10': $month="Okt"; break; case '11': $month="Nov"; break; case '12': $month="Dec"; break; } return $month; } function unpackZip($path_zip, $output_dir) { if ($zip = zip_open($path_zip)) { if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { if (zip_entry_open($zip,$zip_entry,"r")) { $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); $fp=fopen($output_dir."/".zip_entry_name($zip_entry),"w"); fwrite($fp,$buf); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } else return false; } zip_close($zip); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /* * Functions m.b.t. Versturen van e-mails */ function audit() { $digit = $_SESSION['Sje43SjeEj48']; $userdigit = $_POST['userdigit']; return ( strtoupper($digit) == strtoupper($userdigit) ); } function isDirty($val, $ip, $email) { $_add = true; /* Blacklist: IP */ $_bl = array(); $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; $_bl[''] = true; /* Blacklist: Email */ $_em = array(); $_em[0] = 'dd205'; $_bw = array("gay","porn","teen","fetish","lesbian","cock","sex","nude","inmature","sexy","dick","viagra","pussy","anal","ass","adult","fuck"); if ($_bl[$ip]) { $_add = false; } else { for ($i=0 ; $i < count($_em) ; $i++) { if (!(strpos($email, $_em[$i])===FALSE)) { $_add=false; $i=count($_em)+1; } } } if ($_add) { for ($i=0 ; $i < count($_bw) ; $i++) { if (!(strpos($val, $_bw[$i])===FALSE)) { $_add=false; $i=count($_bw)+1; } } } if ($_add) { $pos1 = strpos($val, "href"); $pos2 = strpos($val, "http"); $pos3 = strpos($val, "www"); if ($pos1===false AND $pos2===false AND $pos3===false) { $_add = true; } else { $_add = false; } } else { $_add = false; } return ($_add ? false : true); } /** * Encodes an ISO-8859-1 mixed variable to UTF-8 (PHP 4, PHP 5 compat) * @param mixed $input An array, associative or simple * @param boolean $encode_keys optional * @return mixed ( utf-8 encoded $input) */ function utf8_encode_mix($input, $encode_keys=false) { if(is_array($input)) { $result = array(); foreach($input as $k => $v) { $key = ($encode_keys)? utf8_encode($k) : $k; $result[$key] = utf8_encode_mix( $v, $encode_keys); } } else { $result = utf8_encode($input); } return $result; } ?> Tumbroeck Design Hotelinrichting - DONE - Schweibergerweg 49 6281 NE Mechelen (NL) 043-4553164 - Rue de la Presse 4, B-1000 Brussel